Reluctant to bore with yet another needle felted animal, I had intended to share a cracking little film I shot this weekend. We were quietly padding through the woods, (Andy several feet ahead of me as per usual) when he stopped and motioned. There, almost invisible, with his coat blending perfectly into the sun dappled tree tunks, was a roe stag, looking right at us. We didn't move. Nor did he. Softly we knelt down, to get out of his view, and watched him through the binoculars for a good five minutes. When we had our fill, we wondered if we could get closer. So, stealthily and silently we crept along the side path, nearer to where he stood, still rock solid. Deer stalking. Really, it amazes me that big as we are, at 6ft 8" and 6ft, we can move through the woods without making a sound - yet somehow we do. And we got so close to him we could see the velvet on his new antlers, and his big eyes, cautiously watching us. He knew we were there, but this young prince was not that bothered. Slowly I raised my camera, with the movie setting on and zooming in, got a cracking little movie of him, with a soundtrack of woodland birds singing their hearts out and our awestruck whispers in the background, as my accent lapsed into a rural Oxfordshire lilt. ''There you are boy, my little darling, hush quietly now..."
My new camera has been playing up and when we got back I was going to upload the film and post it here, for your delectation. But Andy was trying to work out the settings and get it working properly...and in a moment of madness, managed to delete it. So we have no deer. To his credit he was truly remorseful and offered me a pillow with which to smother him. However, that would have been a waste of credit; he owes me big time now, so I have let him live. Although I did scream a bit. (A lot).
So, onto less alive creatures. This chap was found in the wilderness of ebay - I managed to get him for 99p (just under $2). For some reason the seller neglected to show a photo of him - there was just a short description, of a plush toy dog, with music box inside, 1950's or 60's. So when I bought him I had no idea whether he would be in decent condition or falling apart...luckily he was just as I hoped. Despite a piratical and somewhat crazed look in his eye, he is rather sweet and not bad for 99p. He plays 'Hush a Bye Baby' when you wind his box up. He is very homemade and quite knobbly, being made round a stout wire armature with wood straw stuffing - don't think the Health and Safety brigade would approve of him as a baby toy...

And after a total of twenty five hours (yes, I do keep track) of work, I finally turned this wad of pink merino fluff...

...into this jazzy little lady, the kind of girl who gets up to dance to Boney M at wedding discos and shakes her booty, not giving a hoot. I ran out of pink wool and had to order more, she was sucking it in like a black (or pink) hole.

I put the now customary heart on her foot pad - I am going to try to incorporate one into every design from now on. The heart patch first appeared in my self-portrait-as-a-toy 'Celia', a couple of years ago...

...and here it is on Sally's big foot. And another little patch on her leg when she fell over dancing.

Sally looks really pleased to be finished at last, and we both have a big smile on our faces - because no sooner was she making her debut on Etsy, than she was snapped up and will be dancing to her new home tomorrow.

I have entered Sally and Jenny (see below) in separate categories in the 2nd Annual Softies Award, so no doubt I will be begging for your votes when the time comes. There are some stunning entries - they can be seen in the Flickr group, here. Toy Heaven.
I have been a complete numpty and forgotten to boast about two awards kindly given me - the first being from Rose Haven Cottage, a lovely sanctuary which I like to visit regularly, thank you so much...
...and this from my friend Ali over at Wool Gathering, the artypico award. Thank you so much!

I always get a bit confused by guidelines, but if I had to pick 5 blogs which I find to be gorgeous and interesting, then I would pick Talitka, who creates extraordinary needlefelt creatures, Bone Head Studios, who makes lovely primitive dolls, Illustrations & co, more needle felt loveliness, Gifling, another marvellous creative, and Erica's Attic, which is a pink haven of delight. I love them all.